Playstation Portable
Alien Syndrome (2007)
Dante’s Inferno
Die Simpsons - Das Spiel
Dungeon Siege - Throne of Agony
Sentinel Returns
Playstation 2
Brothers in Arms - Earned in blood
Call of Duty - World at War Final Fronts
Der Herr der Ringe - Die zwei Türme
Dragon Ball Z: Budokai 2
Lethal Skies 2
Medal of Honor - Rising Sun
Pacific Warriors 2 - Dogfight
Peter Jackson's King Kong
Splinter Cell - Pandora Tomorrow
Wallace & Gromit auf der Jagd nach dem Riesenkaninchen (Curse of the Were-Rabbit)
Playstation 3
Assassins Creed
Beyond: Two Souls
Bioshock 2
Castlevania - Lord of Shadow
Dante’s Inferno
Dark Souls
Der Herr der Ringe - Der Krieg im Norden
Der Pate (The Godfather)
Duke Nukem Forever
Enslaved - Odyssey to the west
Grand Theft Auto IV
Kane & Lynch 2 - Dog Days
Lollipop Chainsaw
Metal Gear Solid 4
Mini Ninjas
Motor Storm
Resident Evil 5 (Biohazard)
Resistance - Fall of man
Skylanders Spyro´s Adventure
Sleeping Dogs
Tales of Symphonia Chronicles
The Eye of Judgment
The Last of Us
Tomb Raider (2013)
Uncharted - Drakes Schicksal
Wolfenstein - The New Order
Playstation 4
A Plague Tale - Innocence
Beyond a steel sky
Call of Duty - Ghosts
Dark Souls
Doom (2016)
Evil Dead - The Game
Fifa 21
Hellblade - Senua's Sacrifice
Killzone - Shadow Fall
Kingdom Come Deliverance
Lords of the Fallen
Mad Max
Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain
Mutant Year Zero - Road to Eden
Resident Evil 5 (Biohazard)
Sackboy - A big adventure
Shadow Tactics
Shenmue 3
The Crew
The Dark Pictures Anthology - Little Hope
The House of the Dead Remake
The inner World
The Last Guardian
The Last of Us
The Witcher 3 - Wild Hunt
The Witness
Uncharted - Drakes Schicksal
Wolfenstein - The New Order
Wolfenstein - The Old Blood
Wolfenstein 2 The new Colossus
Playstation 5
Alone in the dark (2024)
Atari 50: The Anniversary Celebration
Demon's Souls
Hogwarts Legacy
Horizon - Forbidden West
The Callisto Protocol
The Chant
The Lord of the Rings - Return to Moria
Tintint Reporter - Cigars of the pharaoh
Star Wars: Squadrons